Empowering women to become
Bold, Brave & Beautiful ®
Rowena Jayne ND
Naturopath (BHSc); Neuro Emotional Technique Practitioner;
Shamanic Healer; Psychosomatic Body Work (Kahuna) Practitioner
& Yoga Teacher
Rowena Jayne ND
Naturopath (BHSc); Neuro Emotional
Technique Practitioner; Shamanic Healer;
Psychosomatic Body Work (Kahuna) Practitioner
& Yoga Teacher
I believe every woman has the potential to become Bold, Brave and Beautiful, and to create an inspiring, magical life that matches.
“Your PAIN is your GIFT
FEAR is your FRIEND”
That’s right, your anxiety & self doubt is a gift to your life nudging you to remember who you really are!
You are a woman with a deep, deep desire to make a difference and it’s no accident your fear, anxiety & self doubt have reached a point that you can’t ignore it!
“In order to move forward, we have to clean up the past”
~ Marianne Williamson
I bring fun, authenticity, my perfectly imperfect self, years of personal experience & clinical expertise, and most importantly love, to help women just like you step out of fear and into courage.
I help you overcome the anxiety, stress & self doubt that holds you back in your life, forcing you to play small & shy away from chasing your dreams wholeheartedly. I help you with all the associated symptoms of this stress including panic, emotional eating and even self-hatred.
I understand you, I have been there… (READ MORE)
This site offers you online recipes, yoga classes, ecourses, and programs. It also gives you access to work with me one to one, and attend my retreats & workshops. Everything on these pages offers your real life solutions to turn anxiety, fear and self doubt into becoming Bold, Brave & Beautiful, and create the life of your dreams, which frankly is your birthright!
Work With Me
“If life never changed, there would be no butterflies”
~ Rowena Jayne
One to One Consultations
Break free of stress, anxiety & self doubt. Release your fears about stepping into your desired career, let go of your money blocks, relationship blocks, change your relationship with food and your body and become happy, empowered and create the life of your dreams.
I offer intimate up close and personal consultations in person & online with an awe inspiring support system to keep you on track. I hold space for you and walk side by side with you on your journey.
Through evidence-based personalised treatments, recipes, guided programs and more, I help you break free…
Workshops & Retreats
Join us for our Bi-Monthly Womens Circle & Other inspiring, transformative retreats & workshops.
Group workshops & immersion retreats are to known to facilitate deep transformational change, given the exponential power and strength of the collective.
Group work may be an incredible extension of one of one consultations or stand alone meet ups to encourage and facilitate further learning and development in an emotionally safe, nurturing, supportive community environment.
Join this exciting online hub where you can access our signature Course The Bold Brave & Beautiful Blue Print ®
Also access other online courses and trainings in manifesting your dreams, yoga therapy, plant food cooking, dealing with stress and anxiety, gut health, practitioner trainings in Australian Bush Flower Essences and more.
The Signature Program

A 12 week Immersion to help YOU break free from Stress / Anxiety & Self Doubt.
This program is for you if you suffer from Stress, Anxiety & Self Doubt. If you have panic attacks, worry constantly about your life, money, relationships & career. This program is for you if you emotionally eat or avoid food when you are stressed and just can’t seem to get ahead in life and stuck in patterns holding you back.
You will release your fears about stepping into your desired career, let go of your money blocks, relationship blocks, change your relationship with food and your body and become happy, empowered and create the life of your dreams.
This program is delivered online with an additional Face to Face inclusion option. You will be invited to join the tribe of empowered women stepping into their best selves who work one on one with Rowena in clinic and at her workshop and retreat immersions.
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(10 Anxiety & Self Doubt Solutions)
The Book That Inspired Joy
The Book That
Inspired Joy

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Naturopathic Industry Awards 2020 – Emerging Leader Award
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Bold Brave & Beautiful Essentials
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Personal Praise

"A gift to inspire"
“I adore being challenged and appreciate when someone has faith in my ability as a human to heal myself and remind me that I can do and be anything with consistency and peace of mind! Rowena has a gift to inspire.”
Jessica Origliasso “The Veronicas”

"Ancient Wisdom"
“Rowena Jayne is a light beam of wisdom & healing, the perfect guide to a more nourishing life. Though her personal experiences and professional expertise, Rowena is an earth angel of ancient wisdom for the modern era”
Yvette Luciano, Best selling author ‘Soulpreneurs’

"Intelligent & Inspirational"
“Rowena is an incredible yoga teacher. Whenever we are near Rowena we make a point to take her classes and teach our crew; her instruction is intelligent and inspirational. Rowena is the best ever!”
David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe – Best selling Author, Nutritionist, Adventurer, Organic Farmer.

"Passionate & Knowledgable"
“I am very honoured to have Rowena teaching the Australian Bush Flower Essences. She is so passionate & knowledgeable about the essences, as well as being a fantastic teacher, lucky students of the courses”
Ian White – Founder & CEO of Australian Bush Flower Essences.